Take Action

and act through law, creating a just, solidary, and respectful world for all forms of life

From Interest to... Engagement!

Working with Intérêt à Agir means becoming an agent of world transformation, to rightfully restore common goods, strengthen the rights of living beings and fundamental rights.

Beyond irreplaceable donations, get involved!

As a Member

Is our cause close to your heart? Do you see your interest in taking action now? Join a commission at Intérêt à Agir and contribute through your talents and desires to tasks of exploration, research, writing, proofreading, and more.

As a Volunteer

As a volunteer, you provide occasional support to the teams at Intérêt à Agir in your area of expertise. Your presence is beneficial to us, and we know we can count on you when needed!

As an Intern

Does your educational journey require an internship period to validate your diploma? You are in the right place! Share your aspirations, ideas, and constraints with us; our needs, projects, and openness offer you a springboard experience!