
Resorting to the judiciary underscores the lack of governance institutions for our grand commons, such as the climate and biodiversity.


Strengthen environmental protection through the application of current regulations and anticipation of future ones: evolve environmental law in favour of common goods and the general interest, notably through the prevention and repair of ecological harm.​

Numerous contemporary reports testify to multiple failures in environmental justice, even as scientists increasingly sound the alarm about severe planetary degradation due to human impact, particularly the phenomenon of climate change and various harms to biodiversity caused by ever-more-pervasive forms of pollution.

The Environment Commission works toward the proper implementation of legal provisions protecting the environment that were adopted over the past twenty years and are still largely ineffective. It specialises in litigation concerning biodiversity protection and the remedying of environmental damages resulting from the massive use of pesticides, particularly neonicotinoids. The commission supports the recognition of biodiversity as common heritage, alongside environmental protection organisations that have always been at the forefront of environmental protection.

Decembre 2020

For these reasons...

Porte étroite sur la Loi relative aux conditions de mise sur le marché de certains produits phytopharmaceutiques en cas de danger sanitaire pour les betteraves sucrières : Contribution extérieure auprès du Conseil constitutionnel à la saisine nº 2020-809 DC

Decembre 2020
May 2021

For these reasons...

Assignation devant le Tribunal judiciaire de Lyon des principaux producteurs, importateurs et distributeurs d’imidaclopride en France afin de faire reconnaître leur responsabilité dans le déclin des populations d’oiseaux des milieux agricoles.

May 2021
January 2022

For these reasons...

Note sur les potentialités d’une action en prévention fondée sur la reconnaissance d’un préjudice écologique causé par le chalutage de fonds en zone Natura 2000 au sens de l’article 1247 du Code civil.

January 2022

Our Commissions

« Intérêt à Agir » is a collective of legal professionals and civil society actors. Our mission is to accompany civil society through litigation processes to evolve the law in the service of the general interest and common goods.

Responsible Economy

Enforce international rules on social and environmental grounds against multinationals, regardless of the countries where their activities are carried out (duty of vigilance and arbitration).​


Ensure the full application of France's national, European, and international obligations concerning the fundamental rights of persons in migration.​


Assure the dignity of vulnerable individuals by defending and guaranteeing their most essential fundamental rights: housing, nourishment, healthcare, and mobility.​