It is no longer possible to consider migrants as sub-humans who can be left to die at sea.
Ensure the full application of France's national, European, and international obligations concerning the fundamental rights of persons in migration.
The Migrations Commission aims to hold France and the European Union accountable to their international obligations, to refine the parameters by adopting complementary norms if needed, and to curb certain illicit practices that are scarcely prosecuted to advance humanity in a law that must respect human dignity.
The Migrations Commission has set itself the mission of supporting NGOs that defend the rights of foreign individuals, victims of human rights violations on their migratory paths, at the gates of European space, before competent administrative and judicial bodies at the national, European, and international levels.
The Migration Commission is convinced:
- that organisations whose purpose is to put an end to violations of the fundamental rights of migrant individuals must be supported,
- that human rights, the rule of law, and democracy must collectively remain the pillars of the protection of fundamental freedoms,
- that it is necessary to support organisations working to identify those lost at sea,
- that it is essential to back organisations investigating the responsibility of perpetrators of human rights violations,
- that NGOs defending the rights of migrant individuals must be supported in seeking reparations for the crimes and damages they suffer,
- that public development aid cannot be a tool to combat migration, especially through a policy of militarising borders.
For these reasons...
Drafting an application for a priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality for DNA tests in family reunification’s lack of a legal framework
For these reasons...
Development of an argument against the refusal of PCR tests in detention
For these reasons...
Filing of a compensatory claim in the interest of the UTOPIA 56 and HUMAN RIGHTS LEAGUE associations alongside victims, in order to establish the responsibility of the French authorities in the shipwreck of 24 November 2021 in the English Channel.
Our Commissions
« Intérêt à Agir » is a collective of legal professionals and civil society actors. Our mission is to accompany civil society through litigation processes to evolve the law in the service of the general interest and common goods.

Responsible Economy
Enforce international rules on social and environmental grounds against multinationals, regardless of the countries where their activities are carried out (duty of vigilance and arbitration).

Strengthen environmental protection through the application of current regulations and anticipation of future ones: evolve environmental law in favour of common goods and the general interest, notably through the prevention and repair of ecological harm.

Assure the dignity of vulnerable individuals by defending and guaranteeing their most essential fundamental rights: housing, nourishment, healthcare, and mobility.