
In an era marked by a pandemic, the fabrication of precarity can and should provoke reflection.


Assure the dignity of vulnerable individuals by defending and guaranteeing their most essential fundamental rights: housing, nourishment, healthcare, and mobility.​

The Precarity Commission aims to act in areas affecting populations in precarious situations. It encourages an approach of facilitating access to rights for the concerned individuals. This notably includes people without housing, those who receive home-based care, or people with disabilities.

This commission focuses on providing legal support to organisations whose aim is to alleviate situations of precarity and vulnerability as they infringe upon human dignity.

The commission particularly supports organisations engaged in actions against poor housing conditions (uninhabitable housing, enforceable right to housing), organisations involved in combating the precarity of disabled and elderly people (website accessibility for visually impaired and blind people, home care for disabled people, home support for dependent elderly people), and also organisations active in child welfare.

May 2021

For these reasons...

En France 12 millions de Françaises et de Français, touchés par un handicap, sont confrontés à des problèmes d’accessibilité numérique dans tous les aspects de leur vie professionnelle ou personnelle.

May 2021
June 2022

For these reasons...

La réaffirmation du monopole de la collation des grades et diplômes au profit des universités de l’État.

June 2022
October 2023

For these reasons...

Saisine de l’ARCOM pour qu’elle rappelle à leurs obligations les transporteurs aériens
dont les sites Internet ne sont pas accessibles. Lire le communiqué de presse

October 2023

Our Commissions

« Intérêt à Agir » is a collective of legal professionals and civil society actors. Our mission is to accompany civil society through litigation processes to evolve the law in the service of the general interest and common goods.

Responsible Economy

Enforce international rules on social and environmental grounds against multinationals, regardless of the countries where their activities are carried out (duty of vigilance and arbitration).​


Strengthen environmental protection through the application of current regulations and anticipation of future ones: evolve environmental law in favour of common goods and the general interest, notably through the prevention and repair of ecological harm.​


Ensure the full application of France's national, European, and international obligations concerning the fundamental rights of persons in migration.​